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国际学校网    2017年01月05日


IAB国际学校是在1999年开办的,创办的基金主要是美国跟韩国的。创办人是一位韩国的先生。他来到北京念博士,他有这一个想法,想建立一个国际学校。我们在开办的时候,从几十位学生开始。在03年,搬到了丽都酒店,那一个地方原来是德国学校的校址,德国学校搬回到领事馆,我们租用了这一个地方。 这是很好的位置。03年我们更换了一个新的校长。从这一年开始,我们的增长比较理想。我们采用美国的课程。

    IAB is a Christian school located in the heart of Beijing, China, serving the expatriate community. Many of our students' parents are involved in faith-based non-profit work in China, but others are diplomats, business people and educators. IAB is licensed by the Chinese government to enroll only students whose parents hold foreign passports.
    Formed in 1999, IAB moved to the Lido complex during the summer of 2003. Since that time, we have experienced considerable growth and in August 2007 we split our campus with the elementary school remaining at Lido and grades 6-11 moving to our Ya Ao campus. We will add the 12th grade in August 2009 and have our first high school graduation in June 2010. Our current enrollment, as of fall 2008, is approximately 260 in grades K-11. Students come from about 15 different countries including all 6 populated continents (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.) IAB School Profile
    In March 2007 IAB was granted accreditation by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and in June 2008 we were accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). We also have been accredited by the National Council for Curriculum and Texbook Development (NCCT) which is associated with the Chinese Ministry of Education.


    IAB uses an American curriculum and offers students a comprehensive college preparatory program. Advanced placement classes are offered on campus and through our association with Sevenstar online school which is based in the US. IAB is approved by the College Board as a PSAT and SAT test site. IAB has offers and extensive ESL program for students whose mother-tongue is not English. Click here to read more about AP courses
    IAB offers a variety of after school activities at both the elementary and secondary level. We are a member of ISAC (International Schools Athletic Conference) and ACAMIS (Association of China and Mongolian International Schools).

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