Harvard admissions officers are looking for academic superstars who have overcome adversity in their personal lives and can offer a clear vision of what they would.
In almost every case that ended in a Harvard “yes,” one more factor cameinto decisive play — the applicant’s charisma.
The document lists “pause factors” for each candidate. These moreproblematic traits — including less impressive grades, uninspiring extracurriculars, and excessive braggadocio.
Admissions officers also took note of activities outside the classroom. Reviewers mentioned that at least three candidates failed to find an “extracurricular niche” in high school.
1. 哈佛审核员寻找的是能够克服个人生活逆境的学术超级巨星,并能够清楚地了解他们未来想追求的成就。
2. 在几乎所有被哈佛大学录取的案例中,都有一个决定性的因素 - 申请人的个人魅力。
3. 该文件列出了每个申请人的“暂停因素”。这些有问题的特征包括令人印象不佳的成绩,平淡无奇的课外活动和过度的夸大其词。
4. 审核员也注重课外活动,而且案例中至少有三名申请人没能在高中找到“属于自己的课外活动”。